Agenzia di comunicazione Verona
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Restyling logo


Concept & design

When developing the logo for the Padiglione degli Ufficiali, we identified its central location as the main concept, within the fortress that characterizes the town of Peschiera del Garda. The building and area therefore become a single expression of the historical prestige that the Padiglione degli Ufficiali has brought back to the present day.

Apllicazione logo in positivo
Applicazione logo in negativo
Variante logo in orizzontale

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Agenzia di comunicazione verona
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Via Ponte Florio 70.d
37141 Verona - Italy
Tel. 045.8868129

Abc...Studi Srl - P.IVA e C.F. 02900270238 Reg.Imp VR 733/1999 R.E.A. Verona 293187
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