Event / exhibition booth management

Crystalexe® - Padiglione Venezia - Biennale di Venezia


Concept, project development, installation supervision, communications

Art for Architecture and vice versa.

Installations - La Biennale di Venezia
Padiglione Venezia

A material like The New Matter for Architecture by Crystalexe® is perfect for bridging these dimensions: images, matter, space.

A new type of glass that allows you to reproduce any image you want in very high definition and that can be used like a common cladding material.
Installations details
Photo detail
Concept and exhibition booth management

Concept and project development

The portal of the East represents the historical role of Venice in welcoming, elaborating and appropriating the influences of eastern cultures.
Installazioni fieristiche per aziende
Allestimento fieristico
A room that seems to float on the water, an artistic installation by Marco Nereo Rotelli inspired by the vision of the buildings that are reflected in the Venetian canals. A poetic tribute to the Serenissima made possible by The New Matter For Architecture.
Soluzioni per stand
Ideazione di eventi per aziende
Installazione biennale di venezia


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