Agenzia pubblicitaria Verona
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Albertini - catalogue

Concept, design, editorial coordination

How do you combine the static nature of paper with a dynamic, plastic and flexible approach? By imagining a catalogue that evolves, just like the company, always looking for technical solutions that adapt to new needs and take advantage of technological innovation. The Albertini catalogue is a modular, updatable and therefore always up-to-date tool. Each issue represents a specific collection and the company can create an ad hoc catalogue for each customer. The freedom to prepare and add new content suggests a dynamic corporate identity that is constantly evolving and attentive to maintaining contact with its customers.

Catalogo albertini
Agenzia di comunicazione
Brochure / cataloghi

Albertini serramenti
Cataloghi aziendali
Progettazione e realizzazione cataloghi
Cataloghi Albertini

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Agenzia di comunicazione verona
Where we are
Via Ponte Florio 70.d
37141 Verona - Italy
Tel. 045.8868129

Abc...Studi Srl - P.IVA e C.F. 02900270238 Reg.Imp VR 733/1999 R.E.A. Verona 293187
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